About Hebden Bridge Open Studios

Open Studios is a wonderful opportunity to visit a wide range of artists and makers, working in many different media. From enthusiastic amateurs to internationally exhibited, professional artists at the top of their game. Hebden Bridge has a flourishing artistic community.

All the artists take time and care to curate their personal mini-exhibition for anyone and everyone to visit, pass comment on, ask about and generally enjoy.

It’s a behind the scenes peek at the artists spaces that are not usually open to the public and get the chance to speak directly with them about their work and how and why they make it.

You’ll see originals and works in progress that you wouldn’t normally get the chance to see. You may get inspired to buy a piece of your own or build a relationship with the artist and commission something unique in the future.

There will be bargains to be had too; many of the artists regard it as an annual clear out.

If you just get inspired by artists spaces and seeing other peoples creative processes that’s fine too. If you’re artistically inclined you might learn all sorts of tips and tricks from experienced artists and craftspeople.

The studios and workshops are located throughout the town and surrounding area, in mill conversions, above shops, in underdwellings, outbuildings, garden sheds and in artists homes.

And there is always cake!

The “fourth-funkiest place on the planet” we’re a town of independent quirky shops and arty cafes, bars and bistros nestled in the beautiful valleys and hills of the South Pennines.

Our excellent rail links help us to not only draw a local crowd but also visitors from across Yorkshire, over the border in Lancashire, Manchester and beyond.

Whether by road, rail, bicycle or canal boat it’s a highlight for northern art lovers. Hebden Bridge Open Studios is a date for your diary, do come and visit during our next event.


Art is crucial – help it to thrive

Just so you know…

Hebden Bridge Open Studios is a not for profit organisation run by artists for artists to make sure art and creativity remain a cornerstone of our community.

We’re committed to openness and encouraging and enabling everyone to take part. It’s key to making this such a special place.

By opening the doors to let people in to our creative spaces we open up the possibility of art, culture and beauty enriching everybody’s lives. The spirit of community is incredibly strong here; events like Open Studios weave the fabric of those bonds together.

We all create the society we live in. The artists and creatives help build a society worth living in.

With your support Hebden Bridge Open Studios will continue to thrive.

Any donation really helps toward our running costs, keeping our event going and enabling us to bring life and colour to the valley and the tops.

All donations are hugely appreciated!

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