I am a socially engaged figurative painter. My projects comment broadly on the human condition, and particularly concern my feelings about masculinity . The results are multi-layered narratives – at times confusing, deliberately open-ended and enticing the viewer to speculate their interpretation, adding their own experience. This discursive, ‘is it or isn’t it?’ kind of text is heightened by the assortment of visual devices I employ. Semi-transparency, fragmentation and subtle distortion provide a visual link between the real and the suggested, the imagined, or the past. My images are fueled with visual metaphors which tease the viewer into questioning their position – “should I be searching for hidden meanings or do I simply enjoy the playfulness of these pictures?”
Additionally I have made several suites of paintings and drawings that focus on my observations of Hebden Bridge. I utilise dark humour and satire, making reference to painters s from the history of Western Art as characterised in my ‘Hebden Homages’ and ‘Beyond the Bridge’ collections. I work in oils, acrylic and a broad range of drawing media.